Sunday 13 October 2013

One of my favorite albums

Here is one of my favorite albums, just listen for yourself and decide what you think. I love it it's so much different from the rape and murder Goblin possessed but I did enjoy that album with favorite songs such as the opening Goblin and wordplay based tracks like Nightmare. But I think Wolf had something different to Goblin maybe it was it's massively increased production and it's smooth synths and jazz like melodies and orchestral beats, for example it's intro entitled Wolf short but sweet I loved it. Tracks like Bimmer featuring Frank Ocean with it's perfectly fitting video to go with the summer romance that fell over Wolf and Salem, or my all time favorite IFHY featuring Pharrel Williams I just could not ask for more.
To listen to Wolf go here:

Obviously have it on cd bruh only if there was a vinyl release like Goblin.

My favorite scene in the Bimmer music video

This video was creepy but amazing

Saturday 12 October 2013


I am currently listening to Kid Cudi's Incidud and find it great with it's warped synths and hard hitting drum and obviously Kid Cudi's mysterious voice, I have heard a lot of disappointment  people who have not enjoyed what they expected from this album but what small amount of the album I have listen to I think it's a must buy as the music itself just makes you high it's defiantly worth a try.


Anyone who follows Odd Futures Youtube channel you may of seen Tyler The Creators new music video for Tamale one of the songs belonging to Wolf, which I personally disliked on the album and pretty much left alone because of the annoying Spanish woman/girl screaming the word Tamale again and again I felt it was very obnoxious and annoying and also felt it was repetitive.
This did not mean I did not like the video as it was crazy funny and allover obviously a Tyler creation the end of the video featured Sam one of Tyler's personas going a bit crazy and then jumped into answer which I thoroughly enjoyed.

I have this feeling that all these music videos are clips for the movie which is obviously named Wolf after his album, as why make a music video so late after the album coming out? why mix two songs in one video even though the album does not mix the songs in this way?
Who knows?
Here Tyler is in the same layout as his Wolf album cover
A white Sam going crazy

I've been trying to listen to albums again to try and enjoy them, you know the grow on you type albums like the infamous Yeezus by the egotistic Kanye West. Over multiple listens I have to say I quite enjoy this album as I can understand the obvious creative production in this album and how different it is to his other albums such as the College Dropout which featured a classic hip-hop style, it is obvious to see the mixed emotions by fans and listeners worldwide.

Hi Jules 15, I love music and always have so I decided to make a blog on my music taste and my thoughts on music, artists, albums and general music news. I will be expressing my thoughts on what ever I decide to write about so I wouldn't call it a review style blog but just enjoy and excuse for mediocre English.

Wow that sounded boring as fuck.